Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Life of a Sparkling College Kid.

^ Say Anything. 
This is a movie that I just watched. 
Lets see.. Any movie with John Cusack is an audience pleaser. 
I am completely aware that many people dislike romantic comedies. Why? They give us false hope. They make us think there are a million mature men out there. Just waiting to absolutely sweep us off our feet. And take us to a castle far away? I like them. Love stories are the best kind :) 
However, this rom com is completely realistic. I usually don't mind if movies are realistic or not. I personally go to movies/tv for entertainment. Or to escape from my life for a little while. So why would I want them to be realistic all the time? Something I loved about Say Anything, SPOILER ALERT: They get together in the end. (Of course..) BUT there were no cheesy/unrealistic moments. The ending was simple and beautiful. Lloyd and Diane are this unique couple. They just make it work. Call me crazy, but I think it's as simple as that. Anything can happen if you let it. Lloyd is a typical boy who goes for a girl who seems to be out of his league. Sometimes Lloyd rambles on and on about anything. It's super endearing. Lloyd is such a genuine character! The importance? They balance each other out. My favorite scene: He is walking her back to her house and he moves away some broken glass on the sidewalk with his foot. Just so she won't walk in it. That is so simple. And tender. Good job :) 80's movies just get me. After the movie was over, I didn't say to myself.. "Oh. I wish I had something like that.." This is how I know it is a great film. 

Lately, I have had this incredible urge to get out. Out of Cedar City. Out of Utah. Out of my own thoughts.  It's amazing how you can seriously make yourself go crazy sometimes. Today, Pearl and I had an amazing conversation. We talked about differences in personalities. Pearl has so many qualities that I wish I had :) 

^ Superheros. Obviously. 
ATTENTION: I don't have a favorite Superhero. I want one. Why? I went to Pearl's english class today. It's about Superhero's! Her entire class is full of extremely attractive nerd boys. When they talk.. it just gets me right off. I honestly wish I had the intelligence to keep up a conversation about Superhero's or something. Her professor is an absolute gem. He has perfect comedic timing, and occasionally will sniff the white board marker. (For his own enjoyment)
I decided I want my husband to be intelligent. It is definitely the most attractive feature a human can possess. As long as he doesn't make me feel way dumb. And when he explains things to me, he'll think i'm adorable. Or something. 

^ Hawt. 
Over Spring Break I had the pleasure of seeing "The Diary of Anne Frank" At Bonneville High School. The cast/crew/directors worked SO hard. It showed. Jared Waite was my favorite. He captured the soul of Peter SO well. The most beautiful moment: Anne was being annoying, so Peter's mother yells at Anne, which makes her upset and want to run upstairs. On her way running upstairs, Peter reaches out his hand as she runs past him. It sounds simple, but that moment sent chills right down my spine. There are moments. Moments of good, honest, genuine acting. Ones that you knew that actor was so into his character, that he made that beautiful choice all on his own :) As Maria, "Anne" gave her monologue I noticed something. There were tears in her eyes. REAL tears. YEAH GURL! I get so jazzed by good acting. 

^ Me. Still having fun at college. 
I still have a beautiful, high fashioned Indian Roommate. I still have a dirty room. I still eat at the dining hall everyday. NOT BY CHOICE. I still go visit Kenyon Anderson almost everyday and he makes me feel like I just ate a giant, happy rainbow. I still piss myself of laughter because I'm surrounded by hilarious, loving people. I still accidentally sleep in sometimes and miss class. I still give housing tours. I'm still a beast of the night. 
Mostly.. I'm still lucky. And ever so grateful :D 

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Painted Lids

"Your memory is a monster; you forget- it doesn't. It simply files things away. it keeps things for you, or hides things from you- and summons them to your recall with a will of it's own. You think you have a memory; but it has you." 

I all of the sudden want sunshine. 
I NEVER want sunshine. 
Although.. tonight it rained. I liked it a lot :) It hasn't rained in so long. 
I said goodbye to my Cedar friends. I am now here for Spring Breaky. Thus far.. it has been completely delightful. I have been sleeping SO much. Hanging out with Pearl, Allison, and SASTERS has been so fun :D 

^ This is Mermaid Baby. 
Let me just say one thing. 
EVERYBODY loves them. 
With good reason. 
First of all: Every single one of them has amazing stage presence. Second of all: Each totally dominates at his own instrument. Third of all: Each is completely charming. (If they catch you looking at them.. they'll smile back.. or wink. Or something.) Fourth of all: EVERY SINGLE SONG Gives you a way happy feeling :) 
I completely enjoyed my time listening to them tonight. Job well done. ALSO: Logan Arnold is way sexy when it comes to playing the bass. I was in such a good mood when the show was over :D 

Lately.. I've had this urge to live in St. George.
 Or anywhere. 
I have this constant need to always go meet new people. Or just go somewhere. I always forget how much I love to travel. I'm going to work really hard. That way.. all of my dreams can come true! In the traveling sense.

I'm pissed I never tried to be a girl scout. Honestly.. who wouldn't buy cookies from me? Know what I'm saying? I'd probably eat them all. 

"When the sun found the moon.. she was drinking tea in the garden. Under the green umbrella trees. In the middle of summer." 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Beastly Beasts being Beasts.

^ Hey guys. 
If you're wondering what's in my hand... 
It's hell in a bottle...
AKA Tapatio..
Don't be hatin.. because I am addicted now. There is nothing you can do to keep me away from it. I even put it on popcorn. (DON'T KNOCK IT TILL YOU TRY IT) 
This past weekend was marvelous in many ways. I had a date with RON WEASLEY. And by date... I mean SUUSA was showing Harry Potter 7. So I went with a few friends. After HP7.. I took two steps outside and immediately fell onto the wet, snowy pavement. Woopsi. I had Rico and Alec there to pick me right up. While my friend Ivy was just laughing at me the ENTIRE time. 

^ This is us after the blizzard. 
Bridgy came and hung out with us. 
Did I mention that we blasted music and just sat around having a dagumm good time? I then decided to go talk to Kenno. It was quite nice. As always! I came back to Rico, Ivy and Nicholas. We watched Juno. I love how all of my friends sort of hit it off with each other. Dan and Garett were also here this weekend. Dan charmed all of my friends. He does that :) Garett and I had a heart to heart. I take him for granted. He helps me through so much. I truly admire him. 

^ Kenno and Kadder singing at Talent Show. 
Yeah.. we sang BE MY ESCAPE by Relient K. We practiced a lot. I was really happy because I wasn't as nervous as I thought I was going to be. It was perfect to have the support of my great friends there. ALEC AND RAKUL. Too sweet. Kenyon is good at singing. 

(please don't pay attention to my hideous bangs...) 
Oh hi. 
Okay. So one time I was REALLY angry. I'm not sure why.. but I also had a few random hairs stuck in my face. I got so dagumm angry that I took a pair of orange children's scissors to my beautiful bangs. I chopped and chopped until the anger was no more. Woops. I'm such a dangus. My bangs are so ugly now. And short and stuff. GOOD ONE KAT! 

^ Cedar at Sunset! 
It's way pretty. 
Tonight I decided: I am wicked lucky to be surrounded by amazing people ALL THE TIME. Also.. that life is really never all that scary. Not if you have somebody that can always listen to you. AND somebody that can make you feel 100000 million times better no matter what you are feeling. It's just life. We all have issues. Embrace them in the best way possible. I hope everyone has somebody perfect that can help them get through anything. I am all too lucky! I can't wait to see Mamma Bear, Papa, Megs and Camillyoooo. I think of them often. My mother is oh-so loving. 

^ I just have ONE question... 
Why are my friends so wonderful? 
Pearl gave Rico a sexy makeover tonight. OBVIOUSLY. I have recently been spending much time with Rico, Alec and Wolfman Snarr. Each one is a delight in his own way :) 
Ivy and I got alone time this weekend. It was perfect. WITH CHOCOLATE. Take that how you will. My friend Nicholas is freaking hilarious. Enough said there. I don't think that anybody makes me laugh harder. 

Currently: I'm staying up until Breakfast time. Oh.. did I mention that Alec and I are the only ones that are still awake? Why do I do this to myself? Hmmm.. probably just because I love life. A lot. Bridger is passed out on the floor... Pearl is snuggled up in Rakul's bed... and Alec is going to shut his eyes pretty soon. THIS IS COLLEGE LIFE. And I think I like it. Too much.