Saturday, March 12, 2011

Painted Lids

"Your memory is a monster; you forget- it doesn't. It simply files things away. it keeps things for you, or hides things from you- and summons them to your recall with a will of it's own. You think you have a memory; but it has you." 

I all of the sudden want sunshine. 
I NEVER want sunshine. 
Although.. tonight it rained. I liked it a lot :) It hasn't rained in so long. 
I said goodbye to my Cedar friends. I am now here for Spring Breaky. Thus far.. it has been completely delightful. I have been sleeping SO much. Hanging out with Pearl, Allison, and SASTERS has been so fun :D 

^ This is Mermaid Baby. 
Let me just say one thing. 
EVERYBODY loves them. 
With good reason. 
First of all: Every single one of them has amazing stage presence. Second of all: Each totally dominates at his own instrument. Third of all: Each is completely charming. (If they catch you looking at them.. they'll smile back.. or wink. Or something.) Fourth of all: EVERY SINGLE SONG Gives you a way happy feeling :) 
I completely enjoyed my time listening to them tonight. Job well done. ALSO: Logan Arnold is way sexy when it comes to playing the bass. I was in such a good mood when the show was over :D 

Lately.. I've had this urge to live in St. George.
 Or anywhere. 
I have this constant need to always go meet new people. Or just go somewhere. I always forget how much I love to travel. I'm going to work really hard. That way.. all of my dreams can come true! In the traveling sense.

I'm pissed I never tried to be a girl scout. Honestly.. who wouldn't buy cookies from me? Know what I'm saying? I'd probably eat them all. 

"When the sun found the moon.. she was drinking tea in the garden. Under the green umbrella trees. In the middle of summer." 

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