Wednesday, September 29, 2010

One Night I Will Always Remember!

Okay, I woke up this morning feeling angry and upset.  I went to Theatre class and almost threw up.  I seriously was just not in the mood!  After class, Rakul and her beautiful family took us out for dinner. It was her birthday today!  We had delicious food.  Her family brought a cake!  They have an Indian tradition that when you put the candles in the cake, you leave one of them burning.. to symbolize the year that is coming ahead.  Afterwords, another great tradition took place!  Each member of Rakul's family fed her a piece of cake, and then she fed them cake! Then, she fed her roommates cake! (Pearl and I) It was super great.  I then watched a disturbing yet awkwardly enjoyable episode of Glee in the Getaway.  For Rakul's birthday, we went to Applebee's! Followed by taking a trip to THE C! A beautiful place right above all of Cedar. You seriously can see everything! It is so beautiful.  We ended up staying there for about three hours.  We went around in a circle and each said something that we like about each other.  It is funny how often we don't realize how great we really are.  Seriously, think about it.  When the people you care about are saying fantastic things about you, there is seriously no better feeling.  You feel like you can fly or that you're walking on sunshine or something.  You feel SO great about yourself.  As my friend Kenyon always says, we are our own worst critics.  Positive vibes can make friendships so much stronger.  So many positive things were said about me tonight , that I never even knew people noticed about me.  I am SO lucky for everything! I noticed that I loved saying things about others too.  It is almost an even better feeling to know that you were the one to make someone realize how great they are.  ILOVEMYLIFE. It is moments like these that make me realize I don't need money, boys, technology or any of that stuff to make me happy.  All I need in my life is people that care about me.  I am SO lucky to have that. Like the Beatles said.. ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE. 


  1. Man! I love how happy that was! haha I'm to glad that you are having a great time and It a little bit sucks that we don't get to see each other often, But it seems like they're taking care of you! ;) Love you!

  2. Oh Nick <3 Thank you so much. I love you forever!
