Friday, January 7, 2011

I Second That Emotion!

^ Thx KARLS <3 
K8trbloss is about to make the big Journey back to good ol Cedar City. It's quite bittersweet. Good things: Papa is insisting on driving me back. I got a new comforter. I get to see all those I've missed. Rakul will make me look pretty everyday. Bad things: Bye good.. sweet Ogden people. Goodbye Jamba Juice. And goodbye Alex De La Paz who is not coming back to Cedar City.. who I probably won't see in a real long time. 

I found this picture. It reminded me of when Garett and I stumbled across a quant, deserted, brand new Dennys. In West Haven! It was completely perfect. Late at night.. and perfect. Garett and I spent a substantial amount of time driving around. We seriously talked about everything! It was so perfect. We really bonded. FOUR HOURS. I got home at 4:30 am. I then realized that I had to be to work in an hour. PERFECT. Making those Jamba's like one bossayy lady. 

Kso after work, I hung out with this amazing guy. We played Mario Kart with Campbell and Moses. Then I kind of fell asleep right there on his bed.. due to the lack of sleep I had the night before. When Dan took me home, we sang really loud to GRAVITY. And then he grabbed my hand with his hand. All cute like. Then I thought: that a best friend is always there to keep your hand warm. Then he put a hat on me. I am going to marry him. 
(I hope this paragraph didn't insult his manliness) I know I really must adore him so much. Want to know why? Because I want to love AND punch him a lot. 

This is Noah. He is my current reason for living. He says cute things to me like.. "You can call me sweet cheeks if you want.." and.. "SPIN ME SPIN ME AGAIN" and.. "We should have Ice Cream first" Oh wow. He is such a charmer. He always says ladies first. Also, I introduced him to Garett and Sam. He was so polite to both of them. I've got to hand it to his parents. He is such a good boy. Honestly. This kid is golden. I cherish every single second that I get to spend with him. He lives in NC. I'm looking to transfer to some college in that state. After associates :) For some reason: When Noah was born, I just had this instinct to write him a letter. Mommy isn't going to show it to him until he is older. But SOMEHOW, I just knew we were going to be best friends. When he reaches out to grab my hand, It's the best feeling. It even makes me feel like ONE DAY. I might be a mommy. K that was weird. 

This is Kelby. I've always thought he was a great dude. Apparently he's in this band that is way good. He's one of those classy fellas that can get away with swearing and things. I picture him to one day be some kind of rich gambler dude. Smoking a cigar and drinking whisky. Just being an all around BA individual. I went to Scott's house tonight and he was there. It was also really nice to see Scott. We talked about the Juni times. Oh hi guess what? WE WATCHED JERSEY SHORE. Gross. I'm convinced that they are all highly paid actors. Nobody REALLY fights like that about stupid things. Unless they're in Junior High. What is appealing about a bunch of fake-tanned girls and boys showing how unintelligent they are? I wish you could tell me... because i'm pretty much addicted to that damn show now. Sometimes... when i'm on the clock.. .(At Jamba) I talk in a Brooklyn accent. Because I am semi-good at it. And I just want customers to think i'm cool.. (Please don't tell anyone) 

Lesson I learned while being home: No matter how much you adore people.. and no matter how much you try.. some things are just simply not meant to be. And no matter what... in the end.. the only thing those people want from you is your money to buy cheap alcohol. And your ever lasting affection for them. That they will continue to ignore. And disappoint you. Because they don't care about you. AT ALL. 

^ cool huh. It's a good thing you don't need those people :) Because guess what? You can/learn to be happy without them. YOU REALLY CAN. The glass really is half full folks. 

K well. I'll miss you Ogden. Mostly family. It was perfect spending so much time with you :) 

"When you arise in the morning.. think of what a privilege 
it is to be alive, to think, to enjoy, to love." 

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