Saturday, October 16, 2010

Silence speaks loudly.

I'm really feeling quite strange at the moment.  I am surrounded by a million people that I love, but I am feeling completely alone.  Tonight, my sister Camille sent me a picture of her in a bright purple wig.  She looks so beautiful.  Her and Megan are so special to me.  I am missing them terribly.  Lets see.. well, I went to the RHA office to visit Kenyon, and ended up improving on the piano with Pearl.  It was fantastic.  She feeds my musical soul :)  We took a walk to taco bell, and Nick paid.  All of my friends here at Juniper, totally ate him up.  And I am SO glad.  Afterwords, we took a drive to discovery park.  Nick and I had a good chat.. we found ourselves having to pee extremely bad.. so we took a walk to DEL TACO.  Yeah.. more tacos.. lets stop.  And as we were leaving, the guy that worked there said.. "The floor is wet... so.. SLIP IN SLIDE.. WHOOOOOO!!" It was hilarious.  I guess you had to be there, but it was so funny.  Probably the best part of my day, was when Russell took me for a drive up the canyon.  We parked at a simply idyllic spot.. and we watched the sun go down over Cedar City, and just talked about the most interesting things.  I want to start writing down my dreams.  Russell is so great to talk to.  We even saw a shooting star!  There was a moment of complete silence.. and it was SO pretty.  Russell and I could both feel it.  It was perfect.  So perfect!  I came back to good old Juni, and remembered that it was TrUe TbIrD NiGhT!  You could say that Nick kissed me.  It was unexpected and sweet.  I loved it.  Dennys afterwords, of course.  Diet Vanilla Coke.  I am really missing Francisco.  I hope he is doing well.  Rakul is the only person that I know that will wear a bright red, short jumper with black high heel boots to a park.  How I love her.  Nick and I were breakin' it down GANGSTA style.  Some strange masked man gave me a flower in the lobby.  It was super special.  I love that I can talk to Carly Skankey about theatre.  She just gets me when it comes to the acting world.  I admire her dreams and ambition to go for what she really wants.  That is one thing that I wish I had.  Confidence is key to most things. I am content with friendship and lucky to have it with so many great people here.  

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