Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Holiday Cheer.. Finals.. and great people.

^ Awh. 
Katerbloss and Garett W. Smith sharing Christmas love. lolwut? 

My excitement for Christmas is growing more and more each day. I hope Garett W. Smith is my Christmas romance. I've never had one of those before. He's my best friend and I can't wait to spend time with him this holiday season. We won't set it in stone that we'll share a kiss under the mistletoe. Just because Garett likes spontaneous activities and katerblossom DOESN'T. ;)

Okay: Lets alter this situation like, pronto: <- Line from my comedic monologue!
(Even better in Brooklyn accent) 
The buzz around SUU is that there will be a Stage 2 production of a Zombie Musical. I'm all over that. I cannot wait to audition. With encouragement from Garett, I know I will try my hardest! 

I've recently been going on another HAIR DYING SPREE. Too fun. I did Deb's hair and Kassie's last night. Kassie put in these really cool purple streaks. She looks awesome. I couldn't help but to streak a strand of my own hair :) So now I have a purple one and an orange/blonde one. BOSSAY. I'm thinking if the whole degree thing fails.. I'll just go to hair school or be the GM of Riverdale Jamba. Same thing, right? 

But REALLY: This is what I want my life to be like.. IF college doesn't work out:

 ^ Married to this guy. 
(I know you're jealous) 
We're going to live in a cardboard box. 
Because: People these days are just simply obsessed with money. 
We'll own a hipster bakery/coffee joint/flower shop? 
We won't have kids. Ever. 
But we'll have fun. 
And support gay rights. 
This is Dan Austin. I like our phone chats. He's kind of growing on me.

Tomorrow: Hopefully watching Glee with Kassie. The Christmas episode. AGAIN. I watched it with Scott about an hour ago and we laugh and yes.. CRIED. The Glee episode just put me right in the Christmas spirit. So: I've been saying MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of those who I come in contact with. Is it annoying? Probably. 

I love that I'm awake right now.. and Scott.. Pearl.. AND Rakul are all sleeping in  my room. Such a sense of comfort having all of those you love in the same tiny room :) Scott and I shared a few laughs, due to the interesting sounds coming out of Rakul's mouth, and Pearl's nose :/ Ope. They are my sunshines forever <3 

Recently: I've been really down. Guess what cheered me up? Playing that annoying number game on facebook. Having good things to say about others is such a great way to get happy. Having good vibes all over my page was fantastic. I realize how lucky and blessed I am. Also, can't wait to see THESE GIRLS this Holiday season. 

^ sis love. The best kind. 

FINALS: You're giving me pimples. Please stop. 
I rolled right of bed this morning and went and took my final. Not even a decent teeth brushing took place. Sick, Katy. 

As we are quite literally getting down to the last days of the semester.. It is totally bittersweet. I'll remember this semester for the rest of my life. Why? Because I am having THE TIME OF MY LIFE. We're taking Fran to the airport in the morning. I wish my friends the best of luck in whatever they do. I can only thank them once more. You have changed my life.

Goodbye is not forever <3 

1 comment:

  1. aww i love this way too much! i honestly can't wait to grow up and all of us be together forever! :)
