Wednesday, December 1, 2010


^ Getting Smashed. 


energy drinks have become a habit again. Dangit, Katerblossom.
As the semester winds down, I find the sadness increasing. I'll go ahead and make you a list of sad right now.  
1. Scott Robinson leaving SUU.
2. Francisco Lopez leaving SUU.
^That's about it. 
The time with these two gentlemen has been well spent. I honestly believe that these two have touched my life in many ways. They are especially fun when they are together. Scott + Fran = boyish charm at it's finest. I promised that we would be friends forever. I know everyone always says that. I know it never lasts. But in 10 years.. when Scott, Rakul, Pearl, Fran and I meet for a lunch date, all will be restored. I can see it now. Rakul will be a high fashion diva living on 5th avenue. (Screw med school) With her handsome Indian husband. With a baby on the way. (Rakul will be the hottest pregnant woman....ever.) She will finally have freedom from her parents and live the life she has always wanted. Pearla will be at some smart people grad school. Studying POLITICAL SCIENCE. As she keeps uploading her guitar/singing self-taught lessons to youtube. And eventually gets noticed by Simon Cowell. And then she turns him down! She'll be dating a sweet LDS man, that wants to marry her in the temple.. and give her back massages every night. Instead of sex. The Situation.. (Scott) Will be a studious and handsome English teacher. You know, one of those painfully cute ones that wears the sweaters and glasses. One day, he'll bump into an adorable (not freaky) lady at the grocery store. That he can call forever his. He will continue to dress up as a gangsta and Rainbow Kiss when he is feeling a little... creative ;) 
Franny Boy.. will be the new owner of The Boston Red Sox. He'll make Pikachu the new mascot of the team. He will be married to his current beautiful girlfriend. Alexia Woolley. They will have 12 kids. And be one of those adorable ideal couples. He still has random fits of dance fever. Fran can not be contained. 
As for me, I'll probably have 3 husbands and be a mistress or something. And hopefully have my own talk show with music. While i'm saving the baby sea turtles. Kbye. 

Go ahead and tell me that's not the most accurate thing you've ever heard. 
It will be interesting to see what the future will hold. 

Interesting things that have happened since I've returned from Thanksgiving break:
T and Debra. (Kenyon's roommates) Are always a pleasure to interact with. They are always in Ken's room watching movies. They are always laughing about something.. or assuming that Kenyon and I are lovers. Which may or may not be true. I've even been alone with T an Deb before.. and haven't even felt awkward. That's how you know their love is real. I actually attacked Kenyon's room with sticky notes and wrote witty things on them. I put one in his pants drawer that said "I'm in your pants" LOLZ. Get it? 

We had more interviews. Rakul dressed up as BEYONCE. She is a little too good at it. Scott was THE SITUATION from Jersey Shore. And Carly was that one dame from Harry Potter that Harry has a crush on. Oh, and Fran was an actor. He even put on my piano scarf, and Les Miserables shirt. 

^ Look at that love. 

^ And that. 

We ALWAYS match. I just don't get it. Brother and sister separated at birth? Probably. 

Maybe Rakul and I ordered a large pizza the other day and consumed the entire thing. Woops. Scott and I are having a HP marathon while we study for our Diversity final. Yippy! Also, I'm dying Kellie's hair today. I can't wait because she's gorgeous and is going to look so fierce. 

One more thing: I might be in love with Fran's roommate. He is Asian and adorable. Whenever I go in Fran's room and he isn't there.. I get really sad. He is so attractive. Inside and out. Don't tell that I have a baby crush. 

^ Bliss. hahaha

also, I wrote him a note. He ate it up. 

^ Love him.

The end. 

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