Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I'm addicted to you, don't you know that you're toxic?

^ Look how happy I am. 
Why you ask? 
There is snow around me :) 

Recently, I've been blogging quite a bit. This will be my last one for a few days. I feel like a blogging whore. 
Kind of like how Brittany Spears is a pop culture whore. Errr was? 

She used to be so dang classy. 

Want to know why I loved today? 
Probably because Shane knocked on my door at 1:00 p.m. and woke me up. 
Saying.. "Lunch?" 
So then I went to the bathroom. When I came back, I saw Shane with one of my Poka-Dot rain boots on. 
Why was he trying on my shoes? 
Simply because he is Shane Brant. 
He even got stuck in my rain boot, so I had to help him out a little. 
We went to T-Bird grill and had a nice chat! 
Then I went to acting class, and thee most terrible thing happened. 
My teacher said.. 
"Think of the saddest thing that a friend has ever told you, and put yourself in that place again." 
So I did. 
She called on me first.... that would happen to me. Ha. 
I said it. 
It was hard. 
My eyes were watering, but no tears. 
Then she made me say it again.. but she made me look at one person in the room and say it to that persons face.. and look into their eyes. 
I picked Trinity, and I said it. Then I started crying a little, and then she did. The Professor then asked her if she felt my pain, and believed it, and she said yes. 
Sometimes you have to emotionally take yourself to such a painful place. 
But... it IS convincing. And you can help others understand. 
After acting, I came back to Juni and tried to look more presentable....
Gabi called me and needed me to serve food at the International Food Fair. I dashed over, and served mole! A Mexican chicken dish. 
It was nice to be involved in my own culture, I guess :) 
I loved being there.. SO many different people! Rakul and her friend did their Punjabi dance! It was so fantastic. I love seeing her do her talents in front of others. Plus, she was so dang cute. These guys from Arabia were totally eating her up and checking her out the entire time. I loved it too much! I want to salsa dance with Francisco Lopez one day, so we can both embrace our culture. I was completely inspired! I love supporting my friends because they are all so talented. I've seen Carly act, Pearl and Kenyon sing.. and now, i've seen Raks show her Punjabi moves! After food fair, (btw I didn't eat :/ ) I went to Taco Bell with the gang. Shane and I stayed and had a nice long chat. Ha. I came back to Juni, and I did laundry, and watched way too many episodes of Psych. AND Law and Order. That dang Shane. Getting me addicted to television. I came back to A100, noticing a strange smell.. 
Scott burned a dang smore in my microwave. 
Our microwave is so classy. 
It even has a dial. 

^ JUST like that. 

My friend Kenyon is going to Montana tomorrow. He's from Vegas, so i'm sure that he won't know how to react. He even had to borrow a Winter coat from Scott. Hopefully, Kenyon's lack of artistic ability won't ruin his trip. Wait what? 

I'll miss you, Kenny Bear. 
Be safe! 
( I tucked him in tonight, and told him a short story. ) 
Then his roommate T woke up, and said.. "Can I have one?" hahahha. 

The best part of my night, was when I beat Franny Boy at POKEMON. Dats whats up. 

You'd think he'd win, judging by this photo. 
He didn't. 
That's fine! 

Also, I came into my room today finding Christina Lemon playing Pokemon in my room. If you know Christina Lemon, you can only imagine my reaction to his presence. 

Today, I checked out two books from the library. One is called "Pagan Themes In Modern Children's Fiction" and the other one is called "But Is It Art?" 
Whattheheck, Kaitlyn. What were you thinking? 

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